Goal Scorers

Premier Division

Name Total Team Breakdown
Parry, Sion
40 Goal (27) Penalty (13)
Thomas, Asa
28 Goal (28) Penalty (0)
Griffith, Mark
20 Goal (20) Penalty (0)
Williams, Andy
20 Goal (20) Penalty (0)
Murphy, Jordie
16 Goal (15) Penalty (1)
Roberts, Danny
16 Goal (13) Penalty (3)
Jones, Taylor
15 Goal (12) Penalty (3)
Hadley, Tom
14 Goal (14) Penalty (0)
Thomas, Jac
13 Goal (13) Penalty (0)
Parry, Meurig
12 Goal (12) Penalty (0)
Roberts, Sion
12 Goal (12) Penalty (0)
Edwards, Gareth
10 Goal (10) Penalty (0)

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