Negas gan y Cadeirydd / Chairman’s Message

By Edryd Jones

Gwynedd Football League

Annwyl gyfaill,

Gair byr i adael i chi gyd wybod y sefyllfa bresennol hefo’r gynghrair. Gobeithio eich bod i gyd wedi cael eich siecs club deposit drwy’r post, diolch i Edryd a David James am ei gwaith. Mae tlysau y pencampwyr ar ail safle, Bangor 1876 a Nefyn ar pump tlws unigol wedi cael eu harchebu.

Mae pawb wedi cael ebost Gareth Jones o’r Coast FA sydd yn cadarnhau na fyddwn yn gwybod timau Tier 3 tan y degfed o Orffennaf felly rhaid disgwyl tan ar ol y dyddiad yma cyn bydd y Coast yn penderfynu pwy fydd ym mha gynghrair.

Y bwriad yw cael ein Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol tua canol mis nesa i gau y gynghrair i lawr ac fe gewch wybod mwy am hyn yn yr wythnosau nesaf. Cadwch yn saff.

Dear colleague,

Just a short note to let you know the current situation with the league. You should all have had your club deposit cheques back, my thanks to Edryd and David James for their work. The medals for the champions and runners up, Bangor 1876 and Nefyn have been ordered as well as the five individual trophies.

You should all have had Gareth’s e mail from the Coast FA confirming that we will not know the makeup of the tier 3 teams until the tenth of July and the coast cannot make a decision on which clubs will play in what division until after this date.

It is our intention to hold our Annual General Meeting by the middle of July so that we can formally close the league down and we will let you know the details in the next few weeks. Keep safe.

Dafydd Owen

Where next?

Table terfynol - Final standings Nid i'w yn bosib rhoi'r tabl PPG ar y wefan yn y tab 'TABLE' It's not possible to update the league table in the TABLE tab to be in terms of PPG

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