Y diweddar Gwyn Pierce Owen

By Alun Foulkes

Arwr o ddifri

Gyda thristwch clywsom am farwolaeth Gwyn Pierce Owen wythnos diwethaf, oedd yn uchel ei barch ym mhob rhan o Gymru fel dyfarnwr rhyngwladol, cadeirydd a llywydd Clwb Peldroed Dinas Bangor, a gwir gefnogwr peldroed ar lawr gwlad. Gwyn yw'r olaf o'r cyfnod a chwaraeodd rhan priodol mewn sefydlu Cynghrair Peldroed Gwynedd dechrau 1980 cynnar a cymeryd ei le yn sustem peldroed yng Nghymru ac ymgymerodd y cyfrifoldeb o benodi dyfarnwyr ar gyfer y gemau. Aeth wedyn ymlaen i lwyddo Trevor Owen a dod yn Lywydd yn ogystal a noddwr penigamp am sawl tymor. Roedd yn parhau i fod yn aelod Oes o'r Gynghrair hyd at ei farwolaeth.

Ni all neb herio ei cyfeillgarwch ac bydd bwlch enfawr ar ôl ein cyfaill annwyl oedd mor frwdfrydig dros y gêm, gyda’i hiwmor direidus a’i straeon di-ri, ‘roedd nifer â’r fraint o’i adnabod gyda maint ei gyfraniad tuag at lwyddiant Bangor yn y Pyramid Cymreig yn amhrisiadwy.

Dymuna'r Gynghrair estyn ei gydymdeimlad diffuant â'i wraig Joyce a'i holl deulu a cyfeillion agos yn ystod yr amser trist hwn.

It is with great sadness that we heard of the death of Gwyn Pierce Owen last week, who was highly regarded in all parts of Wales as an international Referee, the Chairman and President of Bangor City Football Club, and a true grassroots football fan. Gwyn is the last survivor that played an integral part in establishing the Gwynedd Football League in the early 1980s and which took up its place in the football system in Wales. He also took on the role of appointing referees for the League during this period. He then went on to succeed Trevor Owen and became the League's President as well as an outstanding sponsor for several seasons. He remained a life member of the League until his death and rightly so.

No-one can challenge his friendship and there will be a huge gap after our beloved friend who was so enthusiastic about the game, with his mischievous humour and endless stories, ' a number with the privilege of knowing him with the scale of his contribution to the success of Bangor at the Welsh Pyramid in invaluable.

The League wishes to extend its sincere sympathy to his wife Joyce and all his family and close friends during this sad time.

Where next?

FAW Trophy Round 2 Draw Ties to be played on or before Saturday, 14th September
Tigers double up their trophy cabinet to bag the Gwynedd Cup after beating fellow islanders Bro Goronwy 2-1 at Bethesda.

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